Warning to Chesterfield dog owners who don't clean up after their pet

Be a responsible dog owner.Be a responsible dog owner.
Be a responsible dog owner.
Chesterfield Borough Council received more than 150 complaints about dog fouling in the last year.

Figures obtained by the Derbyshire Times under the Freedom of Information Act reveal the council got 164 complaints about dog fouling between March 2018 and March 2019.

The statistics also show that one person was prosecuted by the council for dog fouling in that year.

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A council spokesperson said: "We take the safety of our residents very seriously. Dog fouling is not only unsightly but also poses a serious health risk.

"This is why our enforcement officers will issue a fixed penalty notice to anyone who is found allowing their dog to foul in a public place.

"We encourage people who see dog fouling to report it to us by calling 01246 345345 or through the form on our website www.chesterfield.gov.uk/dogfouling. Please let us have as much information as possible, including the date, time, location and description of the dog and owner as well as a car registration if possible.

"While we can take persistent offenders to court for repeatedly allowing their dogs to foul, this will be a last resort."

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'Be a responsible dog owner'

According to the council, the UK dog population is 6.5 million and produces up to 1,000 tonnes of faeces every day.

The council's website states: "Responsible owners clean up after their dogs: it's not your dog's fault if he gets a call of nature while he's being taken for a walk. He can't clear up after himself, either.

"As a responsible dog owner, it is your duty to clear up whenever your dog fouls on any open space in Chesterfield.

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"You should also remove dog mess from your garden as it can attract rats and flies and cause a smell nuisance in the warmer months."

The website adds: "There are approximately 1,200 litter bins and 450 dog waste bins at suitable and convenient locations across the borough for you to dispose of your dog’s poo.

"If, however, you are in an area without a special bin, the dog poo should be taken home to be put, well wrapped, into the dustbin."