10 Chesterfield pubs feature in new tour showcasing some of the town’s most historic venues

A self-guided tour of Chesterfield has been launched – calling at some of the town centre’s most historic pubs.

‘Historical Tales and Traditional Ales’ is a new self-guided tour of Chesterfield town centre – spotlighting the intriguing histories of some of the area’s most prominent pubs.

The booklet was created by local history enthusiast Shaun Stevenson and Chris Fox, the editor of Chesterfield CAMRA’s InnSpire magazine.

The tour works its way through some of Chesterfield’s best pubs, including histories and anecdotes from the 10 pubs open today and many more venues that have been lost to time.

Shaun said: “We wanted to create something accessible for anyone who is interested in Chesterfield, its pubs and their history. Something that didn’t cost very much and is entertaining.

“Many people will enjoy a trip down memory lane because we also include some of the more recent history and anecdotes.”

Chris added: “Working with Shaun has been a pleasure, we are both really proud of the finished product. We just need people to go out and buy it, do the tour and support our local pubs.”

The booklets are priced at just £1 and are available from every pub on the route. If you are unable to visit the town centre, you can also obtain a copy by arrangement with Shaun on 07908 183 160.

The full list of pubs featured in the guide can be found below.