Chesterfield businesses win awards for championing the environment

El Cafe Verde is offering a 20p discount to customers who bring along their own reusable coffee cup.El Cafe Verde is offering a 20p discount to customers who bring along their own reusable coffee cup.
El Cafe Verde is offering a 20p discount to customers who bring along their own reusable coffee cup.
Three Chesterfield businesses have been given champion awards for encouraging customers to cut their reliance on single-use plastics.

Lottie’s Sandwich Bar on Saltergate, El Cafe Verde on Sheffield Road and Steph’s Sustainable Stuff, a regular on the town centre market, have been given the accolade by Plastics Free Chesterfield.

From March Costa, Cafe Nero and Starbucks refused to accept reusable coffee cups in an bid to prevent the virus. However, 100 scientists say it is safe to reuse containers.

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Lottie’s Sandwich Bar offers a discount to customers who bring in reusable coffee cups. Business owner Charlotte Mitchell-Fox said: "Small businesses have as much a responsibility to protect our planet as larger companies. Providing a discount for bringing a reusable mug is one small step to help promote the positive outcomes from not using single use containers.”

El Cafe Verde gives customers a 20p discount if they bring in reusable cups. Business bosses Gemma Hannan and her daughter said: "Coronavirus won’t be around forever but we are hoping our planet will".

Steph's Sustainable Stuff offer food refills such as pasta, rice, beans and cereals, as well as cleaning and hair care product refills. Business owner Steph Mannion said: "Your containers will only be handled by you, thus reducing any risk of infection.”

Greg Hewitt, of Plastic Free Chesterfield said: "We are keen to provide assurance that reusables and refillables can be safe during this time.”

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