Chesterfield man attacked neighbour with metal weightlifting bar

James NashJames Nash
James Nash
A Chesterfield man with a 20-year record of committing offences has been jailed after attacking his neighbour with a metal weightlifting bar.

James Nash then punched a policeman in the face after officers arrived at his property following the attack, which occurred during an argument in the street.

The 34-year-old has 29 previous convictions for 71 offences.

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Derby Crown Court heard he called his 50-year-old neighbour a police grass before threatening to kill him, and then assaulting him.

James NashJames Nash
James Nash

The victim was walking his dog at a local park on June 19 when he was approached by Nash, prosecutor Sarah Allen said.

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"The defendant approached him and accused him of being a police 'grass' and of having a camera at his property with which he recorded what was going on," Miss Allen said.

"The victim denied this, put his dog on a lead and tried to walk home.

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"The defendant became angry and aggressive and shouted 'I will kill you' at the victim."

The victim then tried to walk away but Nash pucked up a metal weight lifting bar that was by some dustbins and hit him three times with it – once to the shoulder, once to the back and once to his ear, which knocked his sunglasses off, Miss Allen said.

She added: "The victim called the police and a number of officers went to the scene as they knew from previous incidents that Mr Nash would not come willingly.

“One was armed with a Taser gun and a police dog was also in attendance.

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“The defendant by now was in his property refusing to come out and swearing at the police.

“They decided to try and break into the flat so he ran out and punched one of the officers to the face.

“Officers managed to contain the defendant, who apologised to the one he punched, saying ‘sorry mate’.”

A victim impact statement made by the neighbour was read out in court in which he said he was scared of what Nash might do to him or his dog and was scared of any repercussions.

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Nash, of Tapton View Road, Newbold, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm, possession of an offensive weapon and assaulting an emergency worker.

His previous convictions go back 20 years and include offences such as robbery, assault, burglary, drink-driving, affray, drug charges and assaulting a police officer.

Denny Lau, for Nash, who has a four-year-old child, said: “He is quite aware he will receive a custodial sentence today."

He said Nash intends to serve his sentence and try to rekindle his relationship with his child when he is released.

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Jailing him for a year, Judge Shaun Smith QC said: “You are 34 years old and you have a bad record, you know you have.

“You hit a man with a weapon for really no reason other than you lost your temper.

“When the police came you lost your temper again and assaulted an officer.”

* A version of this story first appeared on the Derby Telegraph website.